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publication: Civic Learning with a Transatlantic Lens
As the AdB and Tisch College of Civic Life project, the Transatlantic Exchange of Civic Educators (TECE) comes to a close after more than a year of vibrant exchange, a newly released publication is released looking at what has been accomplished and future directions of the work. The publication includes insights on civic learning from German and US-American perspective from experts in the field, reflections from TECE Fellows on their learnings from the fellowship, and recommendations for advancing transatlantic civic youth work in the future.

video series: elevating youth voices
This video series is the result of a year-long collaboration of a working group of US and German civic education professionals on the topic of public history, memory and historical-civic education. In the series, we hear from young people directly about their experiences in public history programs to help us as practitioners better evolve to meet the needs of a new generation. To read more about this project, please see the article “Elevating Youth Voices: From Public History to Civic Engagement” here.

handbook: a practical guide on empowering youth
How might civic educators create spaces to encourage young people to engage in political topics that are important to them? This short guide based on promising practices outlines the result of an exchange between civic educators in Germany and the United States on how to support youth civic engagement.

journal: Außerschulische bildung
"USA - a moment of change?"
The Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten journal, Außerschulischen Bildung, dedicated it’s first issue of 2022 to current political and social developments and the current state of civic learning in the United States. Several TECE Fellows and project organizers contributed to the journal on topics ranging from memory work in the deep south, transatlantic politics to the method of civic reflection. Click here to get access to articles in English and German.

publication: IJAB USA-Special 2022
The International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB) recently published their USA-Special-2022, a first-of-its-kind look at existing US-German international youth work projects. Facilitated by TECE-Fellow, Elena Neu, the publication explores what US-German collaboration in youth work looks like, why it’s important, and seeks to inspire others with ideas from the field.
The TECE project was represented among the many interesting projects presented here, with an article, “Civic Education as Centerpiece of Transatlantic Exchange”.

EVENT: Civic Learning vs. Politische Bildung - A discussion of concepts, infrastructures & approaches
In this initial event from the project, the Transatlantic Exchange of Civic Educators (TECE), we take a glimpse into the US and German concepts, infrastructures and approaches to civic learning and politische Bildung. Our two speakers, Dr. Peter Levine, Associate Dean and Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship & Public Affairs in the Jonathan Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts University, and Prof. Bettina Heinrich, Professor of Social Work and Culture Work at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg offer interesting food for thought to launch this transatlantic conversation.

EVENT: Growing up across the pond - exploring the experiences of young people in the U.S. & Germany
In this event, we hear from three youth researchers on the civic, political and social experiences of young people in the US and Germany. We were lucky to be joined by Dr. Anne Bergruber, from the German Youth Institute (DJI), and Abby Kiesa and Kelly Beadle, from the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE).

resource compilation: civic education, digitalization, and media literacy
A product of a TECE thematic working group focused on digitalization and civic education, this compilation of resources provides a starting point for information on the topics of digitalization and media education in relation to civic education work.