Call for applications
*Please note, we will confirm receipt of your application by email after the application deadline on May 18th.
Program Overview
From April 2021 to March 2022, the Transatlantic Exchange of Civic Educators (TECE), led by the Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten (Association of German Educational Organizations) and the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts University, will bring together German and American civic learning professionals from a variety of fields with the goal of reintroducing a transatlantic dimension to the field, unlocking opportunities for deeper dialogue and mutual learning through an investigation of common challenges and respective approaches, and identifying promising new concepts. This effort comes at a critical time as both Germany and the United States experience similar societal challenges: structural racism, right-wing populism, polarization, and mistrust of democratic institutions and the media, not to mention a strained transatlantic relationship, all exacerbated further by the COVID-19 pandemic. With this project, we aim to:
- Foster people-to-people transatlantic exchange in the field of civic learning to get to know respective structures and relevant actors
- Evaluate the current state of civic learning and existing approaches, as well as current societal trends and challenges, using an international comparative approach
- Share best practice models and initiatives to spark innovation and a transfer of learning to sending organization
- Increase recognition of the important role non-school actors play in developing civic and political competences of young people
- Build a pool of multipliers and offer the opportunity for partnership-building for future projects
eligibility criteria
We are looking for a diverse group of fellows who meet the following criteria:
- You contribute to the civic development of young people through civic engagement, civic education, out-of-school time education, community education, youth development, youth organizing, youth research or policy, etc.
- You are interested in helping to shape the German-US exchange of professionals and can commit to attending and actively contributing to both online and in-person events
- You have minimum 2-3 years of professional experience in respective field of work
- You live and work in either the United States or Germany
- Your English is sufficient for participating actively in the program
- We especially welcome applications from people of any gender and the BIPoC communit
expectations of fellows
Online program
Fellows will be expected to participate actively in online programming starting in July 2021. These sessions will lay the groundwork for successful in-person events by introducing fellow participants, providing contextual information, identifying focal points and developing participant-driven thematic interest groups. Online sessions will include a mix of large-group sessions, small-group work and offline, individual reflection or partner work. Expected time commitment around 1.5-3 hours per week.
In-person exchange in Germany and the U.S.
Fellows will be expected to join two in-person exchange activities in Germany and the U.S. Each activity will consist of peer-learning seminars, site-visits with relevant organizations, and exchange with field experts in academia and praxis. These are expected to take place in Fall/Winter 2021, but both timing and format are subject to changing conditions related to COVID-19. Both trips will be financially covered by the program (flights, accommodations, meal per diem), with the exception of a 500 EUR participation fee and any related health insurance or visa/passport costs.
Contribution to project outcomes
Fellows will be encouraged to contribute to project outcomes in the form of blog entries, op-eds, articles, podcasts, videos, photo essays, etc., in order to highlight the program and showcase professional accomplishments to an international audience. These will be published through the host organizations’ networks and externally, with facilitation of the project team.
Application deadline: May 18, 2021, 11:59pm ET/5:59am CEST (May 19)
Selected Participants notified: Mid-June
Online programming: July 2021 – August 2021
In-person exchange activities: TBD between October 2021 and January 2022
how to apply
Applications should be submitted here by the deadline of May 18, 2021, 11:59pm ET/5:59am CEST (May 19).
Application documents required:
- Motivation letter (in English) that addresses:
- What topics you are most interested in exploring
- Why this opportunity would be beneficial for your personal and/or professional development as well as your organization
- How you expect to implement learnings in your work
- Any skills and expertise you may wish to share with international colleagues
- Letter of support (if applicable, we recommend letters from sending organizations, but we will also accept letters from others; may be in English or in German)
COVID-19 Disclaimer: The program components/timeline are subject to change based on shifting travel restrictions. In a worst case scenario, this may mean moving to a fully online program, but depending on travel restrictions, it could also mean the necessity of showing proof of vaccine and/or negative test.
Please contact Katja Greeson ( with any questions.
application F.A.Q.
We are looking for a group of participants that will bring a unique perspective to this transatlantic exploration of the diverse field of non-formal/extracurricular youth and young adult civic learning. This means anyone involved in work that develops the civic and political knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors of young people (12-29 years old).
This may include, but is certainly not limited to youth workers; community organization and nonprofit team members; non-formal educators at community education centers, museums, historic sites, centers for civic engagement and social innovation, etc.; youth/civic researchers; and youth and civic learning decision-makers. Although the program is not intended for formal educators (i.e., K-12 teachers), we are open to those who incorporate community-engaged or extracurricular formats.
In evaluating applications, we will be specifically looking at 1) relevance (is the applicant able to demonstrate their connection to youth civic development); 2) whether applicants are currently working in a capacity that would enable them to implement learnings/benefit from new partnerships; 3) a well/-considered motivation for taking part in the fellowship.
Other specific eligibility criteria:
- You contribute to the civic development of young people through civic engagement, civic education, out-of-school time education, community education, youth development, youth organizing, youth research or policy, etc.
- You are interested in helping to shape the German-US exchange of professionals and can commit to attending and actively contributing to both online and in-person events
- You have a minimum 2-3 years of professional experience in respective field of work
- You live and work in either the United States or Germany
- Your English is sufficient for participating actively in the program
- We especially welcome applications from people of any gender and the BIPoC community
We know how diverse the actors working in this field are in the United States and Germany, which we are excited to reflect in our group of TECE Fellows. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about your own eligibility.
As we have all experienced, flexibility is the name of the game these days!
We are monitoring the COVID-19 and resulting travel restrictions closely, and are hopeful that positive developments will enable us to hold in-person activities in Fall 2021 (between September and early December) or early 2022. Ideally, we will know more specific details by July 2021. In a worst case scenario, we will replace the in-person exchange components with engaging and interactive online programming.
Priority will be given to candidates who have the capacity to act as a multiplier, able to directly implement and share learnings with a sending organization and colleagues. As such, we recommend that the letter of support come from the applicant’s associated organization.
However, we recognize the diversity of actors and working arrangements in this field, which is why we are also happy to accept letters of support from other sources, for example colleagues, clients, or a previous employer.
Please make sure to address:
- What topics you are most interested in exploring
- Why this opportunity would be beneficial for your personal and/or professional development as well as your organization
- How you expect to implement learnings in your work
- What skills and expertise you wish to share with international colleagues