Jackson Opio
Trainer, Kreisau Initiative
Jackson is a Ugandan, currently living and working in Berlin – Germany. He is a graduate of a MA degree studies in Social Work as a Human Rights profession at Alice Salomon University, Berlin. From 2009 to 2014 he worked for African Youth Initiative Network (AYINET) – Uganda as the head of the department of Medical and Psychosocial Rehabilitation of people affected by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) war in the Greater North regions of Uganda. He is trained in mental health and treating torture and trauma survivors. Jackson has been actively involved in the mobilisation and empowerment of young people to work towards attaining sustainable peace and resilience, and to take on active leadership roles in civic spaces. He also worked as an intermediary between the war affected communities in Uganda and justice centred institutions and research organisations in search of justice for crimes suffered. Besides his professional experience, Jackson’s childhood and lived experiences are the motivation for his civic participation. He holds a viewpoint that a societal broken system is a primary product of malfunctions in civic/political education of that society. He is a trainer for the Model International Criminal Court (MICC) – an international project of Kreisau Initiative for the young people with focus on contemporary history and human rights education. Jackson also does voluntary work with Afrika Center Berlin, providing services to the people living in parks and on the streets. At his free times, Jackson likes to listen to music and play guitar.