Christoph Hövel
Education Officer
Salvador-Allende-Haus (Socialist Education Center Haard e.V.)
I was born in 1984 in Oberhausen, a city in the ruhr area in Germany. I first studied Sociology at the University of Duisburg-Essen, but soon changed to the Ruhr University Bochum to study Philosophy and Art History. I got a B.A. in Art History and a M.A. in Philosophy. In Philosophy I focused on Critical Theory, especially Adorno, and Classical German Philosophy with an emphasis on Kant and Hegel. While studying I worked at the information desk of a hospital and as a student assistant for the department of Classical German Philosophy at the Ruhr University. Because my political perspectives have been shaped in my youth by parts of the ‘Socialist Youth of Germany – The Falcons’ and I wanted to support a political organization instead of just theorizing about social change, I became a member of the German Falcon Movement. After getting my Master’s Degree in Philosophy I started working as an education officer at the Salvador-Allende-Haus, which is one of two federal educational centers of the ‘Socialist Youth of Germany’. In our educational center I’m responsible for fostering our international collaboration with our partners in the Middle East like the Independent Youth Union from the West Bank and Ajyal from Israel. Also I’m currently working in a project that aims for the prevention of the spreading of conspiracy theories and therefore applies the framework of the authoritarian personality developed by German immigrants from the Institute of Social Research in cooperation with American scientists during the second world war.
I’m married and we have a son, who is now two and a half years old and keeps us both very busy in our spare time. I never thought how utterly exhausting and at the same time extremely lovely it would be to raise a child. When I’m not too tired, I like to read a lot. Unfortunately I have developed a habit of starting to read a lot more books than I actually finish. I also like to play games (digital and boardgames) as well.